Theme week: officially over
Hola everybaady
Have decited to write this one in English.. Soo here we gooo... Hmm.. What first?
This was the last day of theme week.. = we had the "big" debate who was so much lamer than yesterdays. It basicly were two countries who spoke. One: Russia (!!!!), two China (...!!!!!!). The most entertaining was definitely the british boys.. Mostly our own redbull, Josh. He's such a speaker.. We got a lot to laugh about today, thats sure...
And that brings me to the next thing. The englishmen left today.. buhuu.. It's actually really sad. Why couldn't u stay a few more days? This four days have gone by like this *snap my fingers*. But I, Engla and Sofie have decited to go to London this summer... And we need a place to stay.. Someone with some spare beds? (a) Whats our real goal with this trip? PRIIIIIMAAAARK! Meee looove! Mohaha..
The best news today is that it's ONE MORE DAY UNTILL SPORTSBRAKE= BJÖRNRIKEEEE!!! = SNOOWBOOARD!! WOHOO... Me längtar!
After school today, a big gang went to say god bye to the britt boys. And after that me and Engla went home to my place and did absolutly nooothing.. We just watched some tv and played with my dear friend, tha computah. Najs Bajs actually.
Gonna Eat now, see yah later!

Here's some hott photos on the 4 britts:

Britt nr. 1- Kaz

Britt nr. 2- Adam

Britt nr. 3- Ed

Britt nr 4- Josh
All photos are from yesterday when we celebrated Josh 16:ts birthday in a Asian Restaurant in "Stan".
Have decited to write this one in English.. Soo here we gooo... Hmm.. What first?
This was the last day of theme week.. = we had the "big" debate who was so much lamer than yesterdays. It basicly were two countries who spoke. One: Russia (!!!!), two China (...!!!!!!). The most entertaining was definitely the british boys.. Mostly our own redbull, Josh. He's such a speaker.. We got a lot to laugh about today, thats sure...
And that brings me to the next thing. The englishmen left today.. buhuu.. It's actually really sad. Why couldn't u stay a few more days? This four days have gone by like this *snap my fingers*. But I, Engla and Sofie have decited to go to London this summer... And we need a place to stay.. Someone with some spare beds? (a) Whats our real goal with this trip? PRIIIIIMAAAARK! Meee looove! Mohaha..
The best news today is that it's ONE MORE DAY UNTILL SPORTSBRAKE= BJÖRNRIKEEEE!!! = SNOOWBOOARD!! WOHOO... Me längtar!
After school today, a big gang went to say god bye to the britt boys. And after that me and Engla went home to my place and did absolutly nooothing.. We just watched some tv and played with my dear friend, tha computah. Najs Bajs actually.
Gonna Eat now, see yah later!

Here's some hott photos on the 4 britts:

Britt nr. 1- Kaz

Britt nr. 2- Adam

Britt nr. 3- Ed

Britt nr 4- Josh
All photos are from yesterday when we celebrated Josh 16:ts birthday in a Asian Restaurant in "Stan".